Crossing the Gap

Sometimes, we have to cross the gap from one side to the other; there’s no way to be in-between.

I was in an interesting online discussion, where we were debating a C. S. Lewis quote:

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”

As I see it, it’s easy to be a Christian who may live as if my faith were of merely moderate importance. I can’t read Lewis’ mind, but the quote reminds me that I probably don’t take my faith as seriously as it deserves.

Since there’s no way I can see my faith as of no importance, yet I may not always remember the infinite importance that’s there, I suspect I’m taking my Lord’s sacrifice for granted.

I find the quote enlightening.

(BTW, while most of the landscape photos on this site are from the world of the Bible, this one’s part of Lake Powell, in the USA. Just wanting to keep it all real. And thanks to Rainer Krienke, for making the photo freely available under the creative commons zero license.)

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